I love the long days of summer...beautiful, early morning sunrises and lingering hues of late evening sunsets and warm, summer breeze so soft it feels like a whisper of velvet on my skin that is tan from hours in the garden and tinkering with my flowers. I so enjoy an evening bike ride or an early morning walk around the neighborhood with my husband. It's lovely to have together to share our plans for the day or the happenings of the day almost spent. August is one of my favorite months. It's almost as if summer stands still, holding its breath, soaking in all the glories of the season before letting in out slowly, sweetly, like a long sigh into the hint of fall that September brings.
August is extra special this year for the Hubbards. Tommy, our youngest is beginning his senior year...I can hardly believe it! Where does time go? My little blue-eyed boy with perfectly sprinkled freckles on a cute little nose who loved nothing more than keeping up with his older brothers and sister? How has he grown into a young man, taller than all his brothers...and his sister...and even his dad? How studious, determined, self-motivated he is, yet still willing to help with all my projects...I want to savor every moment of this last year homeschooling him, although, I'm sure he would insist he does most of it himself. I can't deny the truth of that...he really does do much of his work on his own. I love the new school year though...new pencils and notebooks, brand new books, new classes to take and subjects to learn. It has been such fun to plan the classes he needs to finish well...An Emmanuel Institute session to learn how to share his faith and ground him in Scripture, a dual-enrollment English class at Southern Adventist University, American Government complete with an intriguing looking dvd series on the Constitution, Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance curriculum, a passport in preparation for a mission trip and more...the finishing touches on his high school education to make ready for the life that God has planned for him.
There is more that makes August extra special this summer for the Hubbards though. Wedding plans are almost complete...Jared, our middle child, is getting married to his best friend. Kendra is a beautiful gift to our family and we are so incredibly thankful for the wonderful, God-fearing, talented young woman she is. The girls have been outnumbered for a long time in the Hubbard family with 4 sons and 1 daughter and we are delighted to have added 2 daughters and 1 son through marriage; Kendra helps even us out with one more daughter. Her love for the beauty of nature and her delight in the animals God created is a blessing to experience. They both graduated last May as Physical Therapy Assistants with highest honors and we are so proud of them both. They will be working in the beautiful UP, helping people every day. What a joy it is to see God unfold His plan for Jared!
So while summer is waiting...like it's at the top of the ferris wheel, we are going to enjoy every single moment, thanking God for every day we have to work for Him...to enjoy the company of all our children and grandchildren in one place for a long weekend...to bask in the warm sunshine and watch with joy as He unfolds His plan for us, one day at a time.